Anti-Bullying Policy

Policy of Brauð & Co on Prevention of Bullying, Harassment, and Discomfort in the Workplace Statement and Definitions

Brauð & Co emphasizes that all employees of the company should always treat their colleagues with courtesy and respect in their interactions both inside and outside the workplace. Bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, and/or violence are not tolerated.

Bullying: Repeated behavior that is generally likely to cause discomfort to the person subjected to it, such as belittling, insulting, hurting, or threatening the person or causing them fear. Disagreement of opinions or disputes over different interests are not included here.

Gender-Based Harassment: Behavior related to the gender of the person subjected to it, which is unwelcome and has the purpose or effect of offending the dignity of the person and creating an environment that is intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive to them.

Sexual Harassment: Any type of sexual behavior that is unwelcome to the person subjected to it and has the purpose or effect of offending their dignity, particularly when the behavior creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment. The behavior can be verbal, symbolic, and/or physical.

Violence: Any behavior that results in, or could result in, physical or psychological harm or suffering to the person subjected to it, including threats of such behavior, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of freedom.

Main Objectives

The aim of this policy is to prevent bullying, harassment, difficult interactions, or violence in the workplace and to ensure that resources are available should an employee feel they have been subjected to such behavior. This policy and response plan are established in accordance with Article 38 of Act No. 46/1980 on Working Environment, Health, and Safety in the Workplace, and Regulation No. 1009/2015 on Measures Against Bullying, Sexual Harassment, Gender-Based Harassment, and Violence in the Workplace.

Rights and Obligations

If an employee believes they have been subjected to bullying, gender-based or sexual harassment, or violence, or believes they have witnessed such behavior, they are encouraged to respond as follows:

  • By reporting to a supervisor, quality manager, or union representative.
  • If the employee requests confidentiality regarding the report, the person approached must decide whether it is permissible to grant this request. If it is possible to grant it, information is gathered from the employee and support is provided through confidential conversation or counseling.

All reported cases are taken seriously, whether they concern bullying, harassment, poor interactions, or violence. All reports are addressed as quickly as possible. An action plan is created for each case, which includes decisions on consequences for the perpetrator and preventive measures to reduce the risk of recurrence. All information about the case is treated as confidential. The need for support for the victim is assessed, and support is provided as needed. New employees are to be introduced to the company's policy and response plan to prevent bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, and violence at the beginning of their employment.

This policy is effective from February 2022 and has been approved by the executive management.

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